Awesome article, Gary!!
the spokane spokesman october 5th 1996. .
ex-jehovah's witnesses tackle custody issue.
weekend conference first to address legal difficulties of leaving the sect.
Awesome article, Gary!!
at a number of elder's meetings with the circuit and district overseers, over the years, we were told that the governing body loved us.
the gb were said to truly appreciate all of our hard work in behalf of jehovah god and his organization..............i thought thay you would be pleased to know how the governing body feels about us.
I see three possibilites:
1. Sydlik actually was overcome by emotion and genuine care for the brothers and sisters.
2. Sydlik was putting on a performance, a very cynical attempt at pulling on heartstrings of attendees.
3. Sydlik knows the gig is almost up, and that the Borg is in deep deep trouble, and that his life has been wasted following a dream.
1 is very doubtful, 2 is the most likely, but just maybe its number 3... Or all of the above.
as many of you know, i just got married for a second time about two weeks ago.
i noticed a sharp distinction in the marriage vows as read to us by a justice of the peace when compared to the vows written by the wt society for jw weddings.. the traditional vow, as read by the jop, included the phrase "i take (insert name), (insert good and bad circumstances), until death do us part".. the jw vow says something to this effect: "i take (insert name), (insert other stuff), as long as we both shall live together under (or "according to") god's marital arrangement.".
the traditional vow sounds quite permanent to me.
Gopher, you have it wrong, its:
Free sex for some, small American flags for others!!!
with (no) apologies to the Simpson's
i: some relevant quotes from watchtower publications
1: the position of the watchtower as regards smoking
*** jv 181 13 recognized by our conduct ***.
I know I will take some flamage for this, but I have to ask, is there any way to confirm this information? Is this document something that anyone could have access to?
I only ask because the first response from a brain-dead dub is "Its all apostate lies!"
But I do agree, it's very damaging information for the Borg.
I see nothing!!
which cartoons did you like the most on tv when you were a youngster?
There's no need to fear! Underdog is here!!! thanks Aztec! Why didn't I think of him when I was looking for a new avatar?
Looney tunes, Superfriends, even the cornball early version with Marvin, Wendy, and Wonder Dog. All the classic 70's stuff...
All the Sid & Marty Krofft shows, not cartoons I know, but nothing topped Land of the Lost!!!!
What's sad is that Saturday morning cartoons are gone. Yeah I know there is Cartoon Network and Boomerang, but somehow it is not the same. <sigh>
i'm inactive since many years and i met an elder yesterday while i was driving in the city.
i made my stop, and an elder passed in front of me driving very slowly and made a very sad and disapproved face.
although it lasted about 3 seconds, i could feel exactly what he was thinking.. i felt as if i was a very bad boy not wanting to play knock knock on doors with them anymore.. for the inactive ones, do you often get that kind of disapproved look?.
Why let him off so easily? Why pretend you don't know each other?
Start chatting with him, how's it going, I am good, etc. His reaction will tell you much.
This forum does not believe anything. The members of this forum all have their own beliefs, there are no requirements to be a member here.
Most here disagree with one or more teachings of the JWs.
Welcome to the forum, by the way. Feel free to ask more questions. That for me is one of the main appeals here, is that no question is out of bounds.
as the news item posted below reports, the uk government is considering the introduction of a new offence of corporate manslaughter.. .
i wonder how this will affect the minds of the watchtower legal dept' as they try to cover their masters 'corporate' asses once again.. .
while still holding out against any meaningful reform of their fatal 'no blood transfusion' policy they will now have to justify themselves as the originators, promoters and enforcers of said policy while simutaneously attempting to absolve themselves of any responsibility of the consequences thereof.. .
Your question proves in and of itself that many of the xJW lead posters have done a good job of hood winking the xJW community into thinking the JWs are not a religion but only an organization, this is false. Yes, the JWs are a religion. They are a religion in every sense of the word.
I never said they weren't. I asked what made you believe the Watchtower Society is a religous entity. The Watchtower society is merely a printing company that happens to print material used by Jehovah's Witnesses in their religion.
Your response proves in and of itself that many JWs and xJWs make no distinction between the religion known as Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Pennsylvania, etc etc.
Perhaps it has escaped your attention, but the religous and corporate ends have been moving further apart over the years. Most notably two years ago when the Governing Body resigned en masse as officers of the various corporations used by Jehovah's Witnesses. If the printing of the literature is outsourced at some point, as some predict, this separation will continue to grow.
as the news item posted below reports, the uk government is considering the introduction of a new offence of corporate manslaughter.. .
i wonder how this will affect the minds of the watchtower legal dept' as they try to cover their masters 'corporate' asses once again.. .
while still holding out against any meaningful reform of their fatal 'no blood transfusion' policy they will now have to justify themselves as the originators, promoters and enforcers of said policy while simutaneously attempting to absolve themselves of any responsibility of the consequences thereof.. .
we view the Watchtower only as a corporate entity, forgetting it is very much a religious entity as well and will under the law defend itself both on religious and corporate grounds.
Can you please give any evidence that the Watchtower Society is a religious entity? Any at all?